Reedsy - Privacy Policy

Welcome toReedsybrought to you by Reedsy Limited (we, us, our). Thanks for thinking of us for your next project. This Privacy Policy, together with ourTerms of Usesets out important information applicable to our relationship so please read both carefully before using Reedsy.


This privacy policy (Privacy Policy) sets out the ways in which we, Reedsy Limited, may collect and use your personal data.

In this Privacy Policy:

‘Client’means any author or publisher registered with Reedsy for the purposes of seeking the services of Service Providers for a particular project;

‘Reedsy’means our site// and its subdomains;

‘Service Contract’means a contract between a Client and Service Provider for the provision of services by the Service Provider to be performed over Reedsy for a fee;

‘Service Provider’means a service provider registered with Reedsy for the purposes of providing services to Clients; and

‘you’and‘your’means you, the person visiting Reedsy, registering for an account with us or using services on Reedsy.

All personal information and any accompanying documentation will be processed in accordance with current legislation and will only be retained for as long as necessary to provide you with our services.

我们收集数据的目的出发rivacy Policy and will directly ask for your consent to collect and process your data, as set out below. To the extent that further data is required, we will always seek your consent.

Where processing personal data is essential for the service, you have the right to withdraw your consent to this data processing at any time. However, please be aware that this may limit the services we can provide you with where processing personal data is essential for the service.

About Us

We are a company registered in England under company number 08841985, with our registered address as set out below.

You can contact us either via the“Help”button on the site, or as follows:

FAO: Data Protection Manager

Address: Reedsy Limited at 483 Green Lanes. London. N13 4BS. UK

Information we may collect about you

Information that you provide

我们将收集的任何信息,你提供to us when you register for an account with us, provide us with your details over the phone, or subscribe to our mailing lists. This information might include your name, password, address, email address, phone number, credit card information, age and if you’re registering with us as a Service Provider will also include additional information about the services you can offer, your work history, testimonials or your work and any other such similar information as may be required. By providing us with this information you consent to us processing it for the purposes of providing you services.

From time to time we might also ask if you would be willing to participate in our surveys; if you agree, we will also collect any information that you provide as part of that survey.

Information we collect about you

We may collect any information contained in any correspondence between us. For example, if you contact us using the“Help”button via Reedsy or by email or telephone, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

We will collect information that you upload or post to Reedsy and/or any correspondence or interactions that you may have with other Reedsy users.

We will also collect certain information about how you use Reedsy and the device that you use to access Reedsy. This might include your IP address, geographical location, device information (such as your hardware model, mobile network information, unique device identifiers), browser type, referral source, length of visit to Reedsy, number of page views, the search queries you make on Reedsy and similar information. This information may be collected by a third party website analytics service providers — Google Analytics, Crisp, Facebook, Microsoft Bing — on our behalf and/or may be collected using cookies. For more information on cookies please refer to paragraph 6 below.

Information we receive from third parties

We may receive information about you from third party social media providers. For example if you choose to register for a Reedsy account using a third party social media account in accordance with ourTerms of Use, you are authorising that third party social media account to share with us certain information about you.

We will receive information about experiences of working with you or the services that you have delivered from other Clients and/or Service Providers (as applicable) in accordance with ourTerms of Use.

We may receive information about you from third parties that are referring you to Reedsy if you have indicated to such third party that you are happy to be referred to us. If you are the referring party, you warrant that you have obtained the necessary consent to share this information with us.

We might also receive information about you from third parties if you have indicated to such third party that you would like to hear from us. Such third parties are responsible for compliance with data protection law and will have primary responsibility for how they use personal data.

How we use information about you

通过创建一个Reedsy帐户,你同意我们马y use your information for the following purposes:

to provide you with access to the Reedsy services as explained in more detail in paragraph 3 of ourTerms of Use;

to provide you with details about your Reedsy account or Service Contracts;

where you give us your consent to do so, to keep in contact with you about Reedsy news, Reedsy events, new Reedsy features or Services, new Service Providers or services of Service Providers that we believe may interest you. We will only contact you with information we consider to be in your legitimate interest as a user of Reedsy. You can opt out of receiving such communications at any time;

where you give us your consent to do so, to share your information with selected third parties, to enable them to contact you with information about things that may interest you;

to provide customer service and support, deal with enquiries or complaints about Reedsy, deal with enquiries and complaints between Clients and Service Providers in order to administer the ‘Reedsy Project Protection’ in accordance with ourTerms of Use,

to improve our site and to ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective and optimal manner;

to carry out aggregated and anonymised research about general engagement with Reedsy and the products and services it makes available; and

使我们能够执行我们的合法权益,or to protect the rights, property or safety of our employees.

Your information will only be processed to the extent necessary and stored for no longer than is necessary for us to meet these purposes.

Who we might share your information with

You agree that we can share your personal information with:

any selected third party that we work with, where necessary for the purposes of delivering to you the Reedsy services that you request from us. For example, we might use third parties to help us host the Reedsy platform or provide us with website support services;

any selected third party that you consent to our sharing your information with for marketing purposes;

any prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets, only in the event that we decide to sell or buy any business or assets; and

any other third parties where necessary to enable us to enforce our legal rights, or to protect the rights, property or safety of our employees or where such disclosure may be permitted or required by law.


We use cookies to ensure that you get the most out of our site. Cookies are small amounts of information in the form of text files which we store on the device you use to access the site. Cookies allow us to monitor your use of the software and simplify your use of the site. For example, a temporary cookie is also used to keep track of your "session". Without that temporary cookie (which is not stored after you quit your browser) you would have to log on every time you access a new page.

If you do not wish for cookies to be installed on your device, you can change the settings on your browser or device to reject cookies. For more information about how to reject cookies using your internet browser settings please consult the “Help” section of your internet browser (or alternatively visit Please note that, if you do set your Internet browser to reject cookies, you may not be able to access all of the functions of the site.

The names of the cookies used by the site and the purposes for which these cookies are used are set out in the table below:

Cookie Name Purpose Duration
_reedsy_session Enable Reedsy Marketplace to maintain user-specific state between requests 10 days
_reedsy_discovery_session Enable Reedsy Discovery to maintain user-specific state between requests 10 days
_reedsy_auth_session Enable Reedsy Auth to maintain user-specific state between requests 10 days
_ga Tracking
Google Analytics Tracking
_fbp Tracking
Facebook Pixel Tracking
2 hours
sso Single Sign On
Allows users to be logged in across Reedsy applications
10 days
svt Secure video token
Enable Reedsy Learning users to watch video content.

Our site may contain content and links to other sites that are operated by third parties that may also operate cookies. We don’t control these third party sites or cookies and this Privacy Policy does not apply to them. Please consult the terms and conditions and Privacy Policy of the relevant third party site to find out how that site collects and uses your information and to establish whether and for what purpose they use cookies.

How we look after your information and how long we keep it for

We use appropriate technological and operational security measures to protect your information against any unauthorised access to or unlawful use.

We will retain your information for as long as is necessary to provide you with the services that you have requested from us or for as long as the law otherwise permits and obliges.

Unfortunately the transmission of information over the internet in not always completely secure. Although we do our best to implement measures to protect your information from unauthorised access, you acknowledge that we cannot always guarantee the security of information that you send over the internet to Reedsy. Once we have received your information, we will use appropriate and operational measures to protect it in accordance with paragraph 7.1. above.

Where we store your information

Our servers are situated in the EEA and all of the information that we collect about you will be stored on these servers.

In certain circumstances your information may be processed outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) such as if we engage third parties based outside of the EEA to assist us with the services that you have requested from us. In such circumstances, we will take all steps necessary to ensure that any of your information is adequately protected by ensuring:

Any third parties located in the USA are compliant with the Privacy Shield framework if based in the USA; or

Any third parties worldwide or not signed up to the Privacy Shield framework have signed with us a data transfer agreement agreeing to provide your data with the equivalent protection as it would receive under European data privacy regulations. By creating a Reedsy account, you consent to this transfer and processing of your information.

Your rights to the information we hold about you

You can find out more about your rights under GDPR from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

You have certain rights in respect of the information that we hold about you, including:

the right to ask us not to process your personal data, erase your data and stop using it for marketing purposes;

the right to request access to the information that we hold about you and the reasons for which we are processing your information; and

You may exercise your rights above by contacting us using the details in paragraph 2 of this Privacy Policy, or in the case of preventing processing for marketing activities also by checking certain boxes on forms that we use to collect your data to tell us that you don’t want to be involved in marketing.

Please make sure that the data you supply us with is correct and up to date. If your details change, you can update them at any time by contacting us using the details in paragraph 2 of this Privacy Policy.

If you make a request to access information that we hold about you in accordance with paragraph 9.2.2, we will reply to you within one month of your request. We will comply with the requirements of data protection law when handling your request.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post any changes to our site, or notify you of any material changes by e-mail. Any changes will come into effect the next time you engage with us after the changes have been notified.