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FREE 10-day courses with new lessons each morning

Taught by experienced authors and publishing professionals, these free online writing courses and publishing classes have been prepared with your busy life in mind. Over a few minutes each day, you will join thousands of authors in learning how to write better, publish smarter, and sell more books.

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Get started with our most highly subscribed courses!View them all here.

How to Write a Novel (Premium)

Write a novel in three months in this premium course led by author and ghostwriter Tom Bromley. Join our next class, September 2023.

Taught byTom Bromley

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诗歌:如何激发创造力with Verse

Curious about poetry but don’t know where to start? Join us for 10 days of easy poetry exercises and get your creative juices flowing.

Taught byEmma Murf

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How to Write Mind-Blowing Fantasy Fiction

Want to become the next Frank Herbert or N.K. Jemisin? With this free 10-day course, you can learn the basics of writing fantasy.

Taught byCampfire

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How to Master the 'Show, Don't Tell' Rule

Learn how to follow the golden writing rule in this free 10-day course from the Reedsy team.

Taught byReedsy

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How to Turn Up the Heat in Your Romance

Ready to steam up your romance? Kelly Palmer's free course takes you through the essentials of hot writing: from creating tension to writing appealing sex scenes!

Taught byKelly Palmer

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Inside a Traditional ‘Big 5’ Publisher

Editor Dominic Wakeford (Hachette, HarperCollins, and Penguin Random House) reveals the inner workings of Big 5 publishers in this fun, free course.

Taught byDominic Wakeford

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What do authors have to say about our courses?

"Excellent lessons, and with no strings attached. That is rare and much appreciated."

— Stephen Pell

"I love the format. One page each day. Good succinct info and it builds on the previous lesson. Thanks for your generosity in providing this training for free."

Paul Gooder

"I've taken several of your courses and have benefited greatly. With what I learned, I was able to get one of my backlist thrillers to hit the top 50 in its genre on Amazon! And with my next release, I was able to use what I learned to become a USA Today bestseller! Thanks, Reedsy!"

Pamela Crane

"I am pleasantly surprised at the depth of information in these short lessons. Anyone can manage to fit these classes into their daily schedule. I will be taking more classes for sure."

Judith Blevins

"Thank you for the valuable information. This course will be very useful if I decide to take the self-publishing route with my book. I'm glad I discovered Reedsy!"

Heather B. Moon

Ready to start?Browse all coursesand begin your journey to publishing knowledge!

Useful Pages:

Writing Prompts
Character Name Generators
How to Self Publish a Book
Writing Contests 2021