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15 Books on Publishing to Give You the Inside Scoop

Nov 15, 2021 –Understanding Publishing

Hoping to demystify the publishing process, or understand the intricacies of the publishing industry? Here are 15 essential books on publishing!Read more →

What is Literary Fiction? A Guide for Writers and Readers

Nov 15, 2021 –Understanding Publishing

Want to learn more about the novels that make reviewers rave and literature's biggest awards tick? Check out this guide to Literary FictionRead more →

7 Elements of a Story: The Recipe for a Great Narrative

Nov 02, 2021 –Perfecting your Craft

In this post, we reveal the seven essential story elements and show you how they work together.Read more →

How to Write: 5 Ways To Level Up Your Writing

Oct 28, 2021 –Perfecting your Craft

Whether you're working on a story, an essay, or an article, here's how to write better with these 5 tips.Read more →

How to Self-Publish Hardcover Books with KDP

Oct 27, 2021 –Understanding Publishing

If you're a self-published author looking to sell hardcover copies of your book on Amazon, check out our guide to hardcover printing with Kindle Direct Publishing.Read more →

5 Writing Techniques Every Writer Should Try on for Size

Oct 26, 2021 –Perfecting your Craft

Looking for some fresh writing techniques to build your skills or help you push through writer’s block? Here are 5 that you can try on for size!Read more →

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist)

Oct 21, 2021 –Perfecting your Craft

Finished your first draft and ready for the next step? We've put together nine top tips to help kickstart your self-edit!Read more →

How to Write a Spellbinding Story in 6 Steps

Oct 07, 2021 –Perfecting your Craft

Whether you’re looking to pen a novel, a screenplay, or a short story, here’s how to write a fantastic story in six steps.Read more →


Oct 05, 2021 –Perfecting your Craft

Build a compelling world and tell a story readers will love with these 6 tips on how to write science fiction from professional editors.Read more →

Dynamic Characters vs Static Characters: A Matter of Change

Sep 30, 2021 –Perfecting your Craft

It's time to rewrite the dynamic characters vs static characters guidebook, and ask instead how these characters complement one another in truly great fiction.Read more →

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