FeaturedEpic Fantasy

Dragon Called


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An adventurous, dragon epic that proves being your own person, and being different, is worth fighting for.

Once an orphan, now a slave, a girl with only a single name finds that these two words are not what define her inDragon Called艾娃·理查森。

This novel may have a fair amount of tropes that could have some groaning in advance, but the book is worth more than a quick glance. The world building isn’t thrusting the reader into some newly fashioned, totally alien world, but what Richardson does is offer just the right amount of description to allow us into her world and build the rest from our own imaginations. Sure, it might not be so incredibly unique to the dragon fantasy genre, but it offers a unique perspective, and a unique villain. Dayie is a girl, no more than seventeen, who has no past and a downtrodden present, but when afforded the chance of a future, she takes it.

That’s not without a few drawbacks. The beginning chapters have her struggling to get away from the traveling, dragon-thieving gypsies who bought her and subject her to abuse. Often times, she ends up falling back in line with them, even though readers will want her running the opposite direction. This speaks to the years of neglect she has endured, which, intentional or not, is a daring and direct expression of what long term abuse can do to a person, and how hard it is to get out from under that shadow. With the help of a dragon, Dayie finds herself, and embraces her strange ways, knowing that she has a great power that she should be using for good. Gaining friends along the way, and with the slightest hint of a future romance, this young adult, dragon epic is a fanciful, adventurous read that proves being your own person, and being different, is worth fighting for.

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A sometimes kind, sometimes evil hedgewitch on a crusade to create as many fantastical worlds and read as many stupendous adventures as I can. Currently living with three loyal hounds, an impartial cat, and my very own vampire husband.

Dayie, where she shouldn’t be

About the author

艾娃·理查森writes epic page-turning Young Adult Fantasy books with lovable characters and intricate worlds that are barely contained within your eReader.查看配置文件

Published on April 24, 2019

Published by Relay Publishing

80000 words

Genre:Epic Fantasy

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