
How To Heal


Must read

Beyer assumes the role of a forthcoming and genuinely caring therapist in her new novel aptly titled, “How to Heal.”

For anyone going through the aftermath of a serious trauma or trying to process and overcome a disappointing and frustrating failure in your life, take a seat on the proverbial couch. Author Jessi Beyer is here to ease your worried mind and get you on the fast track towards your road to recovery.

A survivor of trauma herself, Beyer assumes the role of a forthcoming and genuinely caring therapist in her new novel aptly titled, “How to Heal.”

Similar to Robin Williams’ character in Good Will Hunting, Beyer empathizes with the reader with her own traumatic experience and reminds the reader that their feelings are valid and the reassuring truth that they are not their vault nor a victim of circumstance.

“Someone needs to tell you that you’re not broken and that your trauma is worthy of healing from,” writes Beyer. “Someone to tell you that you are loved, and accepted, and right, no matter how wrong you feel.”

Stressing the fact that everyone’s sensitivity and ability to bounce back is at different levels, Beyer writes to champion not minimizing one’s suffering — monumental or trivial — but acknowledging it properly.

“Whether other people think what happened to you was traumatic or not, you have every right to own your emotions and own your trauma. It is your story, and only you can understand the depth and breadth by which you’re affected,” she writes. “It is a part of your journey, and you – and your journey – are beautiful and worthy of complete acceptance.”

By exploring the magnitude of trauma’s manifestation, Beyer enlightens on adverse childhood experiences and their later development into mental and physical health problems such as anxiety and depression. She also addresses the hamster wheel that ruminators relentlessly straddle in their mind and the overthinking that results from trying to desperately connect the dots in their troubled heads to solve the endlessly befuddling riddle: “It’s okay to not have all the answers,” she writes. In assuming the role of the cheerleader she encourages her fellow trauma survivors to trust that they’ll get better, to embrace the journey they’re on, believe their situation will get better and to love themselves.

Trauma, after all, is a gift, writes the author, in that its teachings and source of wisdom are more valuable than the suffering itself.

除了治疗,治疗身体就像小鬼ortant to getting better. Readers will learn the healing powers in the practice of transcendental meditation, yoga and flower essence therapy, among others, which can produce a calming effect on the nervous system, in addition to a list of resources for support groups which can help sufferers regain emotional balance and curb negative reactions in their dealings with people and situations.

What’s more, for loved ones dealing with sufferers of traumatic experiences, she schools them on the sensitive versus insensitive things to say to an emotionally vulnerable person to avoid unwittingly throwing salt on their wounds by labeling them crazy or any other word to discount their anguish, and instead validating their feelings — the very thing they need to heal.

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A seasoned journalist and editor, I've written for the weekly division of the North Jersey Media Group covering municipal government to arts and entertainment. Currently, I serve as the editor of DiningOut New Jersey Magazine and a correspondent with

My Experience With Trauma

About the author

杰西拜尔is a speaker, author, and mental health advocate on a mission to help those around her feel valid, heard, and appreciated in their mental health struggles and design lives they love waking up to. Outside of her professional life, she is a K9 search and rescue handler and a proud pet mom.查看配置文件

Published on May 05, 2020

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