FeaturedAction & Adventure

LUCY & JAMES: Deep Blue Rescue


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A fast paced adventure across Iceland in search of an injured whale, will keep you wanting to know the end!

Lucy & James: Deep Blue Rescue is the second in a series of books based on these two characters. I’m always cautious about starting partway through a series as some authors can sometimes assume prior knowledge from previous books and this can make it challenging to start a series in the middle. Not the case with Deep Blue Rescue.

The book follows Lucy as she travels to Iceland having read a blog post from an activist group called the Flukes, about an whale they found injured which then mysteriously disappears. Having been injured unnaturally, Lucy, a passionate animal activist is keen to find out where the whale is. She travels to Iceland and ropes in James who is working deep in a glacier studying climate change science. The book then follows their ‘adventure’ to find the whale and the answers to what happened.

I liked this book, I found it quite an easy read and managed to finish it quite quickly. The characters are all interesting, especially Zabrina who is mute but writes and communicates through her guitar. The story is also really compelling.

The book also has really beautiful sketches throughout which also help to bring the characters alive. I think the tone of the book and the nature of the story makes it a good book for young adults or an easy holiday read.

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Having previously studied English at University I love books. I read regularly and a wide variety of literature and non fiction. I particularly love dystopian fantasies, adventure biographies and novels, especially those that immerse you in the landscape and historical fiction.


About the author

我是一个作家和工业设计师的生活和我们rking in Santa Fe New Mexico. I travel the globe (most years!) researching the Lucy and James Adventure Series. The next book is set in Africa.查看配置文件

Published on June 01, 2021

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80000 words

Worked with a Reedsy professional

Genre:Action & Adventure

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