FeaturedMiddle Grade Fantasy

Magicmals: Troublemakers


Loved it!

Talking, magical animals known as the Magicmals may cause chaos but the three friends and other Magicmals will help come to the rescue!

This is an engaging story that I believe will appeal to cat lovers and children around ten years old, the age of the children in the story. It has well developed characters, both helpful and naughty. The adventure is well paced and there are plenty of twists and turns to keep the readers interested in discovering what happens next.

说话,神奇的动物称为Magicmals所以metimes cause chaos but ten year old Eva along with her younger brother, Diego, and her best friend, Jenny. are on hand to help come to the rescue! After troublemaking Magicmals stowaway on a space ship, they cause pandemonium on the planet where they land. A call is made for Eva, Diego and Jenny to help the other Magicmals capture the rogues and return them to Earth. Get ready for magical portals, a wizard and a fantastic space adventure in this story for middle grade readers!

This is a children's story where 'normal' things like coping with a new class, a new teacher, needing help with algebra and lunch are in sharp contrast to the adventures experienced by these three friends as they go to help their friends from other planets. The magical abilities of the Magicmals will certainly be needed on this adventure and some explanations will be necessary when it is over! Can the intrepid trio help recapture the rogue Magicmals and convince them to return to Earth? Will the space pirates stop them? How can they help the food shortages? You'll just have to read it yourself to discover what happens!

It is a story where friendships are the key and essential when experiencing such dramatic adventures, full of danger and magic! I liked how the Magicmals make it clear that animals also have feelings and it could help them to learn to be more considerate to them. This could be a useful book for teachers to use in school, especially when hoping to help pupils to empathise more with other living things.

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I'm an avid reader and active blogger who enjoys a wide range of genres.

New Year

About the author

April Enciso is a writer, and author of the new middle-grade series, MAGICMALS, The Beginning a fantasy science fiction novel about a race of magical animals. She also has a non-fiction work, a memoir "Come Home, Daddy: An Early-Onset Alzheimer's Memoir."view profile

Published on July 18, 2019

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20000 words

Worked with a Reedsy professional

Genre:Middle Grade Fantasy

Reviewed by