FeaturedBiographies & Memoirs

May Cause Drowsiness and Blurred Vision: The Side Effects of Bravery


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Bravery isn’t glamorous, but it’s a side effect of living this one wild life.

In part one of Gloria Squitiro’s story she has a dream, a European dream. It’s a dream of many to travel to Europe, especially with children who are old enough to carry their own luggage and fend for themselves when they need to. It was going to be a great vacation and work combo. Her husband Funk would do research for his grant, and she would get to experience “her land” before the chaos of his race for mayor took over their lives. There is just one problem, life isn’t a fairy tale. It’s messy and chaotic and filled with ups and downs, like flats not living up to their internet descriptions, dying fathers, family growing pains, and dealing with anxiety and grief all while trying to enjoy and grow through Europe. Gloria does just that, she doesn’t see it happening right away, but she did indeed grow in bravery and courage.

It is easy for me to dream of traveling and the awesome life I will have and the stories I will be able to tell. I will be fabulous overseas, but that isn’t real life. Part one of Gloria’s story made me laugh, cry, and think about the small decisions I make every day. I get to choose how I view my circumstances. I get to stand up and live another day to not just fight for myself, but to keep the walls of my emotions and anger from forming, separating me from the people I love. Europe doesn’t have the power to change us, but going beyond our comfort zone can open our eyes to the strength that has been within us all along. Strength to endure suffering by looking at the ones standing by our sides, our family. Being able to admit that it’s not pretty or perfect, but facing grief and conflict with the people you love is always worth it, because it makes each individual and the unit stronger. The journey prepares us for what is ahead, just as it did for Gloria; she came home ready to live in her everyday and face the race that was before her.

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I'm Hannah Cox and I'm and avid reader. I love to discover new books and share them with my audience. I believe the written word is one of the most powerful ways we can impact each other. My blog is geared towards millennial women. Outside of reading & writing, I love to paint & spend time family.

The Funk's Go to Europe

About the author

#1 AMAZON BEST SELLER IN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND AUSTRALIA! "A bundle of ideas” The Wall Street Journal She's called a “Skydiver Afraid of Heights.” Someone who figures out how to spend a cost-free summer abroad, arranges it, but when it’s time to leave, has an anxiety attack leaving home.查看配置文件

Published on May 18, 2019

80000 words

Genre:Biographies & Memoirs

Reviewed by