FeaturedYoung Adult Fantasy

Misfit: Book One of the Asura Chronicles


Loved it!

An urban fantasy with multilayered conflict. It’s a blend of The Giver, The Maze Runner and One Of Us Is Lying.

I haven't been on Reedsy in a while, and Misfit was a fun return for me.

Something I found surprising in this teenage rebellion story is it has familiarity within its two main competing societies, The Ministry & The Alliance, and they both display how the cynical route has been taken for both. The concept of socialism is an economic and societal concept I almost always agree with; where there's focus to help the poor and the richer are taxed higher. The Ministry does the concept of fairness and equality to the point there's no homelessness, and all equal pay, regardless of effort or credentials. It's taken up even more notches to be the society that arguers against socialism say they are like; where there are taxes through the roof alongside a wage cap, and very little free will to make your own choices. The Alliance is the opposite, promoting the typical capitalism where I don't need to go into as much detail; the poor are lazy hopeless bums and the rich love getting richer.

The various heroes of this story have disagreements on how society would best function, but they don't let it lead to annoyance or resentment. The book's good at making the reader think what the best balance of these concepts would be without shoehorning in one clear vision, and how they should advocate for that ideal in the real world. The concept of the Asura was really cool too. I completely bought the religion people made about who would or wouldn't end up one, plus how it would be a big deal for a twist pertaining to that belief to not become public info. I look forward to more stories about people trying to analyze and capitalize on the beings.

这本书不一定三个观点, even though every chapter starts with either Elle, River or Bea’s name. It’s more like the people alongside that person, with an occasional joining, make up the chapters. And this book does the concept of multiple viewpoints excellently. If Elle, River and Bea met up in the halfway point of this book, they’d be enemies. One main character is running from the law, the other is a high-up in the Alliance, and the other is on the other two’s tail as a Ministry spy. It’s a complete picture, and it's a delicious treat when everything clashes. My favourite character ended up being Vie by the end, even though you start off not expecting to like her, being the conceited hothead you think she is.

I do wish it discussed the endgame of the bad guys a little more, to paint us a better picture of what everyone is fighting against, or for. We know it deep down, but more shown corruption would've cemented things. Also, there was potential to end on a cliffhanger with more hanging to get us excited for the next chapter. But Jo Zaida is very good at storytelling and character relationships, especially those we don't expect to happen.

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I'm an entertainment critic from Canada. I've been blogging about movies of all genres and books of all shapes and sizes since 2014. Meanwhile, I'm also an aspiring author and actor, so you could say I have big dreams on both sides of the table. I really love the world of storytelling.


About the author

Some of my best adventures have been inside the pages of a good book, and I have dreamed of writing one of my own for as long as I can remember. I love to watch characters and worlds form on a page. And to subtly challenge dichotomous thinking on politics, religion, gender, race and sexuality.view profile

Published on May 24, 2021

80000 words

Contains mild explicit content⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional

Genre:Young Adult Fantasy

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