DiscoverTrue Crime

No Second Chances


Worth reading

A gripping non-fiction story, depicting the faulty, prejudiced nature of the criminal justice system in the United States of America.

Despite the fact that this book is non-fiction, written in first-person and stemming from the author's personal experience with the U.S.A. criminal justice system, his experience behind bars and outside of them, and his many misfortunes and accidents, "No Second Chances" also possesses an extremely decent literary hue.

The narration flows, it enchants the reader and keeps him or her reading, and the events always keep the storyline moving, from page to page. The characters are masterfully delivered as the real people that they actually are, and most importantly, nothing in this book reads cold, stale or mechanical, as for example, a documentary about prisons, judicial law and police brutality in the U.S.A. of America would in all likelihood come off as.

As a result, and this is the most significant achievement that Sherrod makes; the reader is made to invest personally in the story, the reader is touched and forced to contemplate on this picture of American law and prosecution that is so utterly realistic, vivid, and at the same time, terribly wrong. The reader cannot escape from the implications of this book, and from the exploration of the true, cold nature of law and state. Without question, these institutions prey on the weak and the uninformed in society, when they should exist to protect and educate vulnerable people instead.

I will finish this review by saying that the vocabulary and structure have nothing that would disappoint even the most demanding reader, and that this is a highly solid book that leaves lots of food for thought. Anyone who reads "No Second Chances" would definitely benefit from the experience and ponder whether society and criminal justice actually carry out their role to provide citizens with freedom, education and equal rights.

Reviewed by

I have studied English and American literature for over six years, and I have completed a Master of Arts on English and American Studies. My studies include the ability of critical analysis of literary texts from different perspectives, adhering to different theories of reading.

March 4th, 1998 Albany, Oregon

About the author

C. Kyle Sherrod spent almost fifteen years in State prison for robbery he committed at twenty years old. About nine months after his release he found himself in a fight for his freedom.查看配置文件

Published on May 16, 2020

Published by The Book Patch

110000 words

Contains mild explicit content⚠️

Genre:True Crime

Reviewed by