FeaturedContemporary Romance

The Art of Taking Second Chances


Must read

I really couldn't put this book down. Each page more interesting than the last. Definitely a must read.

塔拉Kadam一直在努力成为一个艺术评估师as well as still aspiring to be an artist. When one of her paintings is purchased by an anonymous buyer, Tara must know who it is, but who she doesn’t expect to run into is her ex, Sameer Rehani. What should have been a one and done run-in turns into multiple run-ins with him, and what she thought was in the past comes bubbling back up to the surface. Both Tara and Sameer still have feelings for each other but they’re not kids in love in college anymore. Sameer left without a word, breaking Tara’s heart and now Sameer has to find a way to win Tara back while dealing and healing from his own problems. Will these two lovers take this second chance or will their love remain in the past?

The Art of Taking Second Changes是一种现实主义的观点的恋人重逢看起来什么like. Sameer intentionally seeks out Tara through the purchase of one of her paintings and their reunion isn’t all sunshine and roses but it’s not all animosity either. Tara is still hurt and does lash out but Sameer also lashes out, when pushed, yet tries to be patient and understanding of Tara as well. It doesn’t read as miscommunication that is only discovered years later. Sameer did hurt Tara, but he had his own issues he was dealing with and the two will have a lot to work through if either expects to heal from the past.

I also liked how the past is intermingled with the present throughout the novel. I liked that the reader gets a full view of their dynamic in the past: them starting out as acquaintances who tolerate each other only to discover they have feelings for each other. And in the present, Tara desperately tries to stay mad at Sameer while being her most honest self, as she was in college, and Sameer is still in awe of her after all these years. Their exchanges in both the past and the present show their growth as people separately, yet they can still fall back into who they were as a couple so easily. Despite the lapse in time, their love and relationship hasn’t really changed.

I even liked their relationships with their mothers. Tara tries to be strong in front of her mother, but Aai can see right through her and give advice that Tara can take with her. Sameer lets his guard down with his mother and we see how calm, reassuring and loving she is to her son. This look into their family dynamics helps the reader understand them more but also gives us a look into Indian culture for those of us who aren’t familiar with it.

I really could not find anything I disliked about this novel. It was a compelling read from start to finish that I recommend for anyone who likes a lovers reunion story. I giveThe Art of Taking Second Changesa five out five.

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A writer and a reader of all books but my favorite genres are young adult and contemporary romance. Just trying to read as many stories as I can.


About the author

Born in Mumbai, Varsha Chitnis grew up in the beautiful city of Baroda in western India and currently calls California her home. Through her two Ph.D.s and a fulfilling teaching career, she has remained a storyteller at heart. She writes about South Asian characters and their multifaceted lives.view profile

Published on July 25, 2023

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90000 words

Contains graphic explicit content⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional

Genre:Contemporary Romance

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