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The Booboos You Feel Inside Your Heart: A Story on Becoming Emotionally Smart


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A great book to help children manage their emotions and obtain resilience in stressful situations.

I have always appreciated books that help people process their emotions. In“The Booboos You Feel Inside Your Heart”byKarine Spiess,I found a particularly helpful book for children who need to understand and manage how they feel.

This is very useful especially for parents, teachers and guardianswho must guide young ones as they tackle new and unsettling feelings they encounter in their day-to-day lives. If adults can have a hard time managing their emotions, how much more the children who are just starting to find out what their feelings mean?

This book has very attractive illustrations that can easily catch the attention of readers.They were engaging and informative, assisting the reader to understand the topic more. It has used environments and settings that are familiar to most children to help them visualize the situation better.

Each emotion was also handled with the proper balance oflogicandempathy.It would teach children to sympathize with those struggling with difficult emotions while also being able to think of practical ways to handle them.

Written with the use ofrhymes,the book is fun to read and easier to recall at the same time. Whenever children experience similar difficult emotions, they can easily remember that part of the book that can help them cope with their feelings.

They can enjoy reading the book with adults as they discuss the various stressful situations that they may encounter in life. This period is very valuable not only as a time forbondingbut as a time to posequestionsand to give answers that only their guardians can provide. Later on, children can read this book over again and recall that precious time spent with parents, teachers or other family members.

Children who can be taught the basics about emotional intelligence can have a better chance at adapting to challenges in their growing up years.他们可以开发更多的韧性成为前女友posed to more demanding emotional challenges.

The true value of this book can thus extend long after the young ones have grown up.It’s a guide that can assist them and help them manage even more complex emotions that can arise later on in life.

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Hi, I'm Joyce! My blog is open for book review requests for Catholic books of various genres especially for devotional books and inspirational/self-help books that could help people undergoing difficult times e.g. help for the grieving, mending a broken heart, finding hope/faith in desperate times.


Sometimes we can feel silly, scared, angry even sad. They are called Negative Emotions, but none of them are bad.”In a fun and rhythmic story, we follow a little girl named Sisi and her family as they attempt to manage emotionally stressful events in their lives. While multiple therapeutic methods are illustrated within each family member’s narrative, seeking support and verbalizing one’s emotions is emphasizedas the framework for healing throughout the book.“Talking to someone about your feelings is the best way to begin healing.

About the author

Karine Spiess is a certified Family Therapist with a talent for explaining complicated concepts to children in a language they understand. Her two children inspired her to write fun stories laced with emotional and behavioral tools to help all children along their journeys towards self-discovery.view profile

Published on December 09, 2020

1000 words

Genre:Picture Books

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