FeaturedAfrican American Fiction

The Forbidden Ring


Must read

A well-crafted story filled with mystery, romance, and the unexpected...

Joyce Licorishhas a unique voice, and in this 40,000 journey of romance and mystery from the streets of Louisiana,Licorish’svoice shines through.Licorishis an all-round, everyday woman with a plethora of gifts which means she brings a bundle of goodies to the ‘proverbial table’ as a storyteller. And the mother, CEO and philanthropist does just that and more with‘The Forbidden Ring.’Licorishtakes her readers on a long, winding journey filled with color, the unexpected, and love.

What better place to set such a novel than in the streets of Louisiana in the mid-1920s? The party scene was fully-blossomed with a bevvy of characters, amazing scenery, and of course, you have to have the sultry music. It is perfect for romance. Or is it? It's the beginning of a mystery and of a love affair that seems destined to never exist.

他是一个富有的男孩和一个非常富有的父亲,谁有plans for his son. She is a stereotypical ‘lounge singer’ from the other side of the tracks. Hello, Romeo and Juliet of the Bayou – Benjamin and Lillian. It all begins with a crazy chance encounter at a fabled location: a lagoon. Plus, there is the ring – the mysterious ring that will connect them.

Ironically, the ‘star-crossed lovers’ first came close to each other on a Sunday when they both went to church – him to the prestigious Catholic church with his wealth off rich family, and her to the African-American church with her father, where she would sing a solo. After church was over, Lillian and her father walked, and laughed. On the other side of the street, Benjamin, his high-maintenance mother and bored father, didn't even notice.

With the turbulent times we live in now, having such a tale to read tugged at my heart as I became absorbed with Licorish’s masterfully-crafted sentences, and was spirited away from the craziness of the day.

There were a few, and I mean, very few, mechanical glitches - easy to miss because of the intense, well-written tale that Licorish spins like a master potter at her wheel.

The story gave me a mixture of emotions, and affirmed the reality of life – that we all our vulnerable, we all want to be loved and prejudices have been since the dawning of time.

Read it with a box of tissues and a pair of warm fuzzy socks!

Reviewed by

丽贝卡的经验——作为一个获奖的newspaper editor and credentialed book blogger - to help you help your book be a book. Her love of affair of stories - books started at age five, and led her in her career and to college & grad school (English/journalism and psychology)

The Choice

About the author

歌手和演员把作者/画外音旁白d screenwriter. Youngest of 7 girls, mother of 3, and wife. CEO of DreamEmpire Films and President of the One Race Human Race Foundation 501(c)3, I have a heart for issues dealing with race relations and love that surpasses all boundaries.view profile

Published on October 15, 2020

Published by DreamEmpire Publishing

40000 words

Genre:African American Fiction

Reviewed by