FeaturedWomen's Fiction

The Glass Boxes in which We Live


Must read

Few books in life have a lasting impression that make you pause and think. This is one such book that will kick you in the guts and make you smile.

Priyanka Chopra, in one of her speeches, spoke of breaking the glass ceiling that we women come up against, in order to meet out true potential. When I saw this book I was strongly reminded of those words, and decided to pick up this book. I was not disappointed. Whenever I happened to put the book down, I was drawn back to continue reading.

The Glass Boxes In which We Liveis not the typical run of the mill love story. The protagonist of the story is Alienor. A divorcee in her 40's, she is an independent, self-made career woman with two boys. Just like any other women her age she begins to doubt her self-worth and potentially having failed to create a fairytale life for herself and her boys. So she decides to take the rein of her life into her own hands and lead life on her terms as it makes her happy.

Alienor gives up on the societal definition of proper and decides on what's best for her own well being, both physical and mental. During her self-discovery she meets Wesley, an African American who happens to be younger than her. Caught between the voice of her heart and what the society deems ideal for her age, she listens to her heart. A beautiful relationship blossoms which the author has described beautifully. Beatrice in this relationship has shown the deep dynamics that goes on in a person's mind. The insecurities, fear of judgment, low self-esteem, self-doubt and so on. But what is most treasured is the open communication channel that Alienor and Wesley have. Communication is what draws them closer than ever. Wesley has what every woman desires in a man: to be strong enough for her to fall back on, yet not make her fell small or weak. He accepts and loves Alienor just as she, which makes her bloom and grow further as a person.

The book also delicately touches upon the recent racist attacks by the police that we saw in the media. Beatrice Sylvie has left some poignant pointers and food for thought that mere protests and marches won't bring change. We need to sit down and talk to each other, and make an honest effort in small ways to break the race barrier.

The book is aptly titled since we all live in glass boxes of varying sizes and colours. The glass boxes can be shaped by race, colour, religion, economic background, education, self doubt, fear of judgment, gender bias and so on. These glass boxes keep us holed inside till we decide to break them open. Unless we decide that out happiness and well-being is more important than the society's expectation of what is proper, we will continue to be caged within these glass boxes.

This is a book of this century which I recommend to everyone. But, one caution to readers: carry some tissues because the book will make you weep tears of joy and hit you in the gut gasping for air. Don't say I didn't warn you.

我收到这本书的弧形ho的交换nest review of the book. My views are my own and not biased or influenced by author or publisher.

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I am open to trying new things. Being a librarian reading keeps me alive and helps me live new lives each time I read.

2019. THEM.

About the author

Beatrice Sylvie, is a French native bookovorous cappuccino lover. The pandemic, the lock down, the recent events of 2020, the cacophonous and horrendous news got her to put some of her thoughts on paper, as a woman, a professional, a mom.view profile

Published on August 28, 2020

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50000 words

Contains mild explicit content⚠️

Genre:Women's Fiction

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