
The Little Red Roar-At


Must read

Teaching your children to be advocates for the environment has become a lot easier with this book!

The Little Red Roar-Atis about a fantastical creature that understands the importance of protecting wildlife. If you are looking for a book that will teach your young reader about the value of protecting our environment, and how to be an advocate for wildlife, then this book is for you!

In this story, a Roar-At is a champion for the preservation of wildlife. The Roar-At may be little, but he is wise beyond his years. His grumpy nature rightly suits him, as he explains to the hunter the harm he is doing. Consequently, the hunter has to choose to either learn from the fantastical Roar-At, or ignore him - which is quite hard to do.

I genuinely enjoyed this picture book! It is written in short lyrical rhymes, so it’s a quick and fun read and I believe it will be an engaging read for many young readers. One will naturally fall in love with the little red Roar-At.

The illustrations are both aesthetically pleasing and humorous. Children will enjoy reviewing these beautiful pictures. My favorite illustration is of the Red Roar-At when he first appears. Well done!

In sum, I would encourage readers to pick up a copy of this book at your local bookstore or online. It is a great story with well-developed characters. Children will want to hang on to this book for years to come!

Reviewed by

I am a professional editor, who understands how stories should work. I hope to contribute in meaningful ways to authors and the general reading community, so that good books can get into the hands of readers. You can find me at - edithint.com or follow me on Twitter at @edithint


"It's the bat pollinators that make the sweet bean!"

What bean is the ROAR-AT talking about?

And why does he care so much?

Learn the surprising facts from the ROAR-AT that make bats earth's most endearing friend!

About the author

Book Series- The Little Red Roar-At was awarded from the prestigious Writers Digest Competition! H.D Vessers "The Little Red ROAR-AT," was a real labor of love from the loving world in her head she calls "Bartworld." This entire world in her head came to be when an actual bat ended up in her house.查看配置文件

Published on April 28, 2021

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Reviewed by