FeaturedYoung Adult Fantasy

The Mark of Fallen Flame


Must read

这是一个强大的幻想驱动的叙述did a marvelous job of creating a new mythology that readers will absolutely love!

这是一个强大的幻想驱动的叙述did a marvelous job of creating a new mythology that readers will instantly be enthralled by. Powerful and creepy creatures blended perfectly with relatable and interesting characters to drive the novel forward at a reasonable pace. The new mythology created and delved into by the author is so vast and spectacular, that it needs a grounded character like Emma to keep the reader invested. From Emma's desire to find a sense of normalcy and be a regular high school young woman, to her mother's desperate attempt to keep the hidden dangers of this hellish world away from her daughter and the secrets that threaten to disrupt both of their lives, this novel does a marvelous job of packing an emotional punch and touching on the theme of family and secrets.

The thing I love about this book besides the unique mythology created by the author was how the book didn’t waste anytime jumping into the action of the plot. So often in a novel, especially a large YA Fantasy style novel, the reader will have to go through several chapters of backstory and character buildup before a hint of the fantasy element or the mythology begins to make an appearance. Yet the author in this novel does a fantastic job of putting the reader into the action first and foremost. From the first 20 pages or so the author takes readers head first into this fantasy and partly horror driven narrative and doesn’t hold any punches, establishing the dangers and the stakes early on. It's these dangers and the surprising turn of events in the protagonist's life that capture the readers attention, and soon the elements of romance and intrigue that come later in the novel serve to add to the reader's already piqued interest, making this a truly unique read.

Reviewed by

My name is Anthony Avina. I am a writer, author and blogger. I write book reviews for a living, working with authors of both independent and large publishing house fame. I offer free and expedited reviews to authors, as well as interviews, guest posts and more.


About the author

I am an American by birth, but a Kiwi at heart, living in the vast countryside of New Zealand. Writing has been a lifelong passion of mine, I had articles published in a local newspaper, and attended the Institute of Children's Literature with the hope of one day writing stories for the world.view profile

Published on May 31, 2019

Published by

100000 words

Contains mild explicit content⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional

Genre:Young Adult Fantasy

Reviewed by