FeaturedEpic Fantasy

The Prophet - Book One: False Gods


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False Gods (The Prophet #1) by Don Newton is an exciting new science fiction fantasy series opener perfect for fans of genre mashups.

False Gods(The Prophet#1) by Don Newton is an exciting new science fiction fantasy series opener. I'm so glad I took a chance on this novel because it really pulled me in right from the very beginning.

I particularly love that the story successfully blends elements of two distinct genres of speculative fiction. There are high tech devices, space ships, the destruction of the planet, the multiverse, reality bending, old gods, magic, prophecies, immortals, sorcerers, and so much more. I don't often have the opportunity to read SFF novels that combine so many intriguing elements at once in the same world, so of course I jumped at this opportunity. Don Newton does a brilliant job of bringing this whole new world together and making it flow very believably as there are so many elements included in the world. While the novel isn't overlong, he manages to pack a lot into his descriptions of this unique and imaginative world. The story also flies right by. Once I got to reading I didn't want to stop. The pacing of events is fast and it is action packed as well. There are also a lot of enticing twists and turns. I just couldn't wait to see what was going to happen.

The characters that the author has created to populate his world are all intriguing in their own way and all quite well drawn. Everyone feels like they could just walk right off of the page. On the whole I only had a couple of pretty minor issues with the novel - it took me a little while to really get to the point where I could keep the cast straight in my mind and there were a couple of moments where I thought I must have missed something because I felt somewhat out of the loop.

Finally, I highly recommend this SFF novel to those who enjoy fantasy and science fiction as well as genre mashup novels. I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes next.

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I am completely addicted to reading and I particularly enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and YA. I love the fact that being a blogger (and a librarian) helps feed my addiction and allows me to interact with other book lovers on a daily basis.

Chapter One

About the author

Don Newton is a writer and armchair philosopher, author of the science fantasy trilogy “The Prophet”, and short stories too numerous to count. Don has been in love with science fiction and fantasy his entire life.view profile

Published on October 21, 2019

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90000 words

Genre:Epic Fantasy

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