




首先,非常感谢Reedsy Discovery和K. Bruce Mackenzie为我提供了这本出版物的副本,这使我能够为您提供公正的评论。

我一直很喜欢带有天主教和/或历史转折的小说,K.布鲁斯·麦肯齐的这本书一看到就吸引了我的眼球。当两位红衣主教到达苏格兰执行任务时,他们的存在被少数人注意到了。梵蒂冈派出两位最高级别官员拉辛格和雅洛佩尔克枢机主教,与一家专门研究克隆问题的机构的成员讨论一件非常重要的事情。他们中有伊恩·麦金尼博士,以及安全主管安格斯·麦格雷戈,他的工作表明需要最高级的保护。红衣主教们对克隆绵羊的工作非常感兴趣,这是研究所自豪的成就。即使在1997年的今天,这个故事仍然给他们带来了很多的恶名。当红衣主教们提出检查都灵裹尸布(据说裹在被钉死在十字架上的耶稣基督周围的布)的可能性时,有些人出于宗教原因而回避。然而,伊恩·麦金尼博士,一位信奉无神论的人,对这项挑战很感兴趣,在考虑到安全问题的麦格雷戈陪同下,他与红衣主教秘密会面。他们讨论了这个选项,唯一的障碍是教皇约翰·保罗二世是否阻止对裹尸布进行任何生物分析。红衣主教们回来了,并承诺如果麦金尼有机会继续,他们会尽快联系。 After some arm twisting, the cardinals get a preliminary go-ahead, paving the way for McKinney to begin his examination. Throughout the process, he discovers something interesting, which the cardinals cannot deny is on the verge of changing the world forever. However, even more remarkable is the sudden faith-based change that Ian McKinney undergoes, finding solace in learning about the Shroud and the details of Christianity. When his scientific results yield some interesting findings, the cardinals work with McKinney to convince the pontiff to explore some further tests. Hesitant because he is only mortal, John Paul II agrees, but has some strict guidelines moving forward. McKinney is overjoyed, but this is not the only progress he has made in life, finding solace in the arms of a woman who’s been right next to him for so very long. As the plan proceeds, there are those who lurk in the shadows, curious about what the Vatican is doing. Two hired killers inch closer, tasked with neutralising not only the Shroud plan, but those who would overstep the limits of man playing deity. What comes next turns the story into the explosive novel Mackenzie has been building up to this point. Filled with religious, political, and thrilling twists, the reader will learn a great deal while wondering how much is fiction and where some well-kept factual secrets might mingle into this story. Recommended for those who love religious thrillers with a historical element, as well as the reader who find ‘what if’ stories to their liking.

虽然我从小不是天主教徒,但梵蒂冈政治的某些东西总是引起我的兴趣。这本书结合了一些基督教历史和现代科学界限的模糊,被证明是麦肯齐的处女作惊悚小说成功的秘诀。虽然故事以一个奇怪的转折开场——这里没有剧透!——随着故事在苏格兰和梵蒂冈之间轻松地转移,事情很快变得同步起来。伊恩·麦金尼很快就发现自己成了主角,尽管他的性格转变在一些情节转折中抢尽了风头。读者在这个故事中看到了麦金尼的许多顿悟,其中一些被证明比其他的更甜蜜,这有助于推进情节,增加了整体叙事的深度。整个故事中有一些虚构的和真实的人物,也有一些有趣的转折。所有为这篇文章增色的人都发现,他们每翻一页,都在为本已引人入胜的情节添油加瓦。麦肯齐没有浪费时间,提出了一些有趣的假设,比如遗传学、克隆技术,以及都灵裹尸布是否可能是耶稣再临的关键,尽管其中的作用不仅仅是上帝之手。这个故事很强大,只是在某些情况下有点牵强,更多的是在对话和角色互动上。 I found myself unable to put the book down at times, as the chapters were such teasers, some lasting pages while others summarily ended in a paragraph. Those with open minds and an interest in the topic will likely find themselves as hooked as I was, asking what they might have been missing not reading this book sooner. The numerous twists, down to the final reveal left me wanting more and pleased that Mackenzie speaks of a trilogy on the subject. Surely stirring up some controversy inside the Holy See with some of the sentiments expressed herein.









