Looking for a professional author website?

You're in luck! The best professionals are already on Reedsy

Lay the foundation of your writing career

Your website is the hub for all your book marketing activity. It’s where you can attract new subscribers with the promise of great free content; it’s where readers can get in touch with you; and it’s the place where you can engage your existing fans by sharing exclusive snippets and a behind-the-scenes look at your journey.

More so than your book’s cover, your website will define your brand as an author. When visitors land on your site, they will immediately understand if you’re a writer of contemporary horror, historical romance — or simply an author who hasn’t bothered to replace that “under construction” message on your homepage.

But where can you find a talented web designer with the right experience in your genre? Where can you find someone who can create that author website you’ve always dreamed of?

Look no further, here are the professionals who can help

Search for web designers near you

Kelly M.

I build stylish, intuitive and easy-to-use custom SEO-focused Squarespace websites that will tell your story and sell your book!

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Chad L.

No fuss, all frills book and author website designer and SEO pro based in the USA. I use WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.

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Steven T.

I focus on compelling messaging and visual clarity to deliver your story on the web. Good design and cool tech should work transparently.

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Simon O.

Creative web designer and developer with 10+ years experience. I'll help you create a stunning website that's as unique as your writing. ✨

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Peter A.

Designer and developer. I specialize in creating beautiful WordPress websites.

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What services do Reedsy Web Designers offer?

Reedsy professionals can build you a bespoke website from the ground up: one which you can update and maintain all by yourself. If you already have a site, there’s always room for improvement. Services offered by our web designers include:

  • 更新现有的网站
  • Branding and design
  • Website hosting and domain setup
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Newsletter signup and lead magnet
  • A blog
  • 触点形式
  • Image galleries
  • Social media sharing

What does an author’s website need to achieve?

There are a few basic functions that your author websites must fulfill. It should answer the biggest questions a reader might have:

  • Who are you? (Biography)
  • What books have you published?
  • What books are coming up?
  • Where can they find you on social media?
  • How can they contact you?

To create a site that will stand out from the crowd and help you find (and keep) new readers, you should also think about:

  • A newsletter sign-up
  • A lead magnet
  • A blog (more relevant for non-fiction)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Getting these elements to work properly requires a little more finesse than just setting up a basic homepage, which brings us onto our next question.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional author website designer?

Services like Squarespace have templates and themes that are beautiful and easy to use: something that a lot of people have already discovered. As a result, many author sites are uncannily familiar.

The professional web designers on Reedsy have specific experience in creating distinctive sites for authors. Their understanding of User Experience will ensure that your visitors will easily find the information they need — and then be channeled towards one of your goals: whether that means downloading your book or signing up to your newsletter.

“My website has allowed me to connect with current and potential readers. It's a hub for discussion via comments, social media, and access to my newsletter—offering a free sample of my novel attracted my first hundred email subscribers almost overnight!”— Brent Jones, Author ofThe Fifteenth of June

Reedsy’s designers can collaborate with you to create an online domain that perfectly reflects your brand as an author and build the tools that will allow you to grow your readership.

"I've received a lot of work offers through my website: offers to write articles, provide quotes about my non-fiction work, or to give radio and TV interviews. For these opportunities alone, I wouldn't ever be without one."— Dr Carol Cooper,Fiction and Non-Fiction Author

What makes Reedsy’s web designers special?

Reedsy isn’t a company that builds author websites; we are a marketplace of top-notch publishing professionals. We won’t lug you with a random designer who offers a one-price-fits-all service. You have choice, flexibility, and access to the best talent in the publishing world

Each designer on the Reedsy marketplace has been carefully selected by our own team of discerning web developers. Their extensive ample portfolios include pages for bestselling authors like Stephen King, E.L. James (Fifty Shades of Grey), and Anthony Horowitz.

There are no set fees and each designer can offer you an individual quote based on their experience and your requirements. This means you will receive a range of quotes and responses to your brief, allowing you to choose the right designer for your site.

It is essential that you are 100% happy with the money you invest in your work. That is why Reedsy also offers a project protection policy, promising to act as a third-party intermediary to resolve any disputes, and offering refunds when appropriate.

Connect with a professional web designer

Create yourReedsy accountto request free quotes and advice.

Kelly M.

I build stylish, intuitive and easy-to-use custom SEO-focused Squarespace websites that will tell your story and sell your book!

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Chad L.

No fuss, all frills book and author website designer and SEO pro based in the USA. I use WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.

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Steven T.

I focus on compelling messaging and visual clarity to deliver your story on the web. Good design and cool tech should work transparently.

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Simon O.

Creative web designer and developer with 10+ years experience. I'll help you create a stunning website that's as unique as your writing. ✨

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Peter A.

Designer and developer. I specialize in creating beautiful WordPress websites.

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Your website, first and foremost, will act as a content hub. Your website should immediately tell your readers and fans something about you and your writing.read more


Author Websites: Five Big Ways to Create Loyal Readers

Don’t play hard to get. It’s shocking how difficult some authors make it to be contacted by readers, publishers, and other media. Think about the times you’ve searched for one specific person’s email address and gave up because it was probably buried in some faraway land.read more


Five Author Website Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Resist the urge to use more than a couple of different fonts on your site. Very often, amateur designers will get over excited at all the lovely colors and fonts they have at their disposal and go to town. But all they’ll end up doing is making your content difficult to read.read more
