Apowerfulfreewriting tool from Reedsy
Write and export abeautifullyprofessionallytypeset book

Write and typeset a beautiful book

The Reedsy Book Editor - A powerful book production tool.

How to find editors, book designers and marketers on the Reedsy marketplace.

A beautiful production tool that takes care of the formatting and conversion, before you have even finished writing.


Simply, beautifully

The Reedsy Book Editor allows for powerful collaborative writing


With a professional

工作与职业book editor directly on your manuscript


Export to PDF & ePub

Flawless ebook formatting and print typesetting

“But I’m happy with MS word.” – is not an excuse

Do your book a favor and use a tool built for book production

A simpler way to write

A beautiful interface built for distraction-free writing. Our formatting toolbar makes it easy to apply styles as you write. When it comes to typesetting, consistency is key.Learn more about how to format your book here.

The Reedsy Book Editor writing interface, with a simple style guide toolbar
Real time collaborative writing and editing

Collaborative editing

Say goodbye to managing chapter revisions with your editor and co-authors by email. Work together on your manuscript in real-time, tracking changes, editing prose and making comments.(Coming soon)

Distribution ready

Exported files are ready for instant distribution to ebookstores, distributors and POD services such as Smashwords, IngramSpark, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple iBooks and Kobo Writing Life.

Professionally formatted epub and print files ready for distribution
Find a book editor on our Reedsy marketplace

Professional assistance

Finished your draft and looking for an editor? Luckily, we have amarketplacefor that! Bring in expert assistance, and work with them directly on your manuscript. Effortlessly.

Powerful features that will transform the
author-editor relationship

进口doc files and our online writing tool will respect your sections and formatting


Collaborate in real time with a co-author or a book editor on your manuscript

Collaborative editing

Save different versions of your book and never lose your writing


Discuss changes with your editor in the comments section


Track the changes made by your book editor

Track changes

These advanced features are coming soon! For more information,check out our FAQ

Professional themes, perfect for ebooks and print

Authors and publishers no longer need to rely on expensive typesetting processes. Now you can produce a beautiful book in seconds, for free!




Select a theme to preview

Print and distribute with Blurb

Prepare your manuscript with Reedsy, then print and distribute to the world with Blurb

Learn more